"Social media apps like Facebook have made it so easy to communicate, we barely do it by other any other means anymore."
"false sense of intimacy"
Designed to provoke a reaction from the people involved. A Provocation Piece causes friction. It is a means of communication to let the respondents talk about more intimate feelings like desires, fears, dreams
2050 social media alter human interaction, we feel more comfortable connecting via screens

-Affection/ Emotions / intentions not shared as genuinely as in real life situations
-A lot of body language/ facial expressions are lost
-Breeding a new generation of narcissists
-Voyeurism instead of actual caring
- Selling the idea of smiles rather than the toothpaste itself

-Importance of face to face human interactions, smile
Human interactions reduced to typing

-We want people to rely lesser/ place lesser importance to social media and retain the most basic human form of interaction which is face-to-face conversations.